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Weihong Du
Chair & Associate Professor of Asian Studies
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401-4999
CHIN 101 , CHIN 102, CHIN 103 Elementary Chinese
Development of Mandarin language skills: listening, comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. Essentials of grammar complemented by readings in literature and culture, with extensive practice in speaking. Prerequisite(s): Must follow sequence or permission of the instructor; CHIN 101, 102, 103 offered every year FA, WI, SP sequentially; CHIN 103 is SL;; M. Dugo
CHIN 141 Introduction to Chinese Civilization
This course is a preliminary introduction to Chinese civilization, beginning with the archaeological record and extending to the nineteenth century. This course will focus on a few themes and a few approaches instead of providing a comprehensive survey of the history of Chinese civilization. The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the development of Chinese tradition and the complexity of its culture by looking in depth at the following questions: what forces came together to produce Chinese civilization and how did they contribute to the formation of the notion of "Chineseness" over time? What were the roles of intellectual or philosophical thinkers in the development of Chinese cultural tradition? How can literature reveal details of the way people lived, the values they held and the ideas they followed? Cross Listing: ASIA 141;HIST 141; Staff
CHIN 201 , CHIN 202, CHIN 203 Intermediate Chinese
Intermediate study of Mandarin Chinese. Reinforcement of grammatical understanding of the language while developing conversational fluency. Attention to oral and listening skills is combined with increasing emphasis on study of the Chinese writing system. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 103 permission of the instructor; courses must be taken in sequence;; CHIN 201, 202, 203 offered every year FA, WI, SP sequentially;; M. Dugo
CHIN 211 Chinese Language and Culture in Film I
An intermediate level of Mandarin Chinese language study, delivered through a close examination of language used in Chinese TV and film. Students will use authentic media to expand vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, and common expressions, as well as improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Most lessons will contain a cultural element to accompany the language skills being developed. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 103 or permission of the instructor; W. Du
CHIN 212 Chinese Language and Culture in Film II
An intermediate level of Mandarin Chinese language study, delivered through a close examination of language used in Chinese TV and film. Students will use authentic media to expand vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, and common expressions, as well as improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Most lessons will contain a cultural element to accompany the language skills being developed. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 103 or permission of the instructor; W. Du
CHIN 213 Chinese Language and Culture in Film III
An intermediate level of Mandarin Chinese language study, delivered through a close examination of language used in Chinese TV and film. Students will use authentic media to expand vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, and common expressions, as well as improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Most lessons will contain a cultural element to accompany the language skills being developed. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 103 or permission of the instructor; W. Du
CHIN 220 Orientalism, Occidentalism, and Chinese Culture
A theoretical survey of historical and contemporary relations between the Western world and the East, specifically China. Interdisciplinary in approach, this class investigates cultural interactions and classic Asian Studies theory through comparative analysis of diverse media, including: short stories, film, non-fiction, pop culture, and art forms. Topics such as colonialism, diaspora, appropriation of the Other, and trans-nationalism are also part of our focus. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; Cross Listing: ASIA 220; Offered alternate years; W. Du
CHIN 221 Women and Modern Chinese Literature
(In English translation) This course explores the crucial role that women played in shaping modern Chinese literature. We will make close readings of short stories, autobiographies, novel excerpts, and complete novelettes of mostly female writers, exploring the ideas, themes, and theories that they were exploring while breaking new ground. We will also be dissecting these readings through our own contemporary literary lenses as a means of expanding the students' skills of literary interpretation and criticism that will be a concomitant benefit to the expansion of the students' knowledge of China and both its literary and historical past. Cross Listing: ASIA 221;GWST 222; IC; PI; Offered annually, typically winter; W. Du
CHIN 223 Chinese Popular Culture
This course takes a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary look at modern and contemporary popular culture in China. Through studying an array of popular and academic sources, we will explore food culture, trends in music, cultures of expression in physical and digital spaces, perspectives on celebrity and fandom in China, as well as the social factors surrounding new developments in dating culture. Historically, the course explores forms of popular culture as they were perceived at the time of their popularity. Theoretically, the goal is to understand how various pop cultural developments were informed by ongoing social and cultural dialogues operating domestically and internationally. This approach highlights the social geography surrounding Chinese pop culture, as well as the changing face of Chinese culture as a whole. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ASIA 223; Offered occasionally; W. Du
CHIN 225 Introduction to Chinese Film
This course is an introduction to Chinese cinema in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, with emphasis on the ways film represents China, Chinese identity, cultural heritage, and Chinese modernity. The course will include weekly film viewings and in-class discussion. Cross Listing: ASIA 225;ASIA 225;FILM 225; Offered occasionally; W. Du
CHIN 237 Arts, Culture, and Landscapes of Southern China I (1/2)
This course is a 1/2-credit fall term preparatory class for an immersion experience in southern China during winter break. Its approach is interdisciplinary, exposing students to local cultures through a variety of visual, performing, and literary arts inspired by this region, including painting, dance, theater, and other forms of expression such as poetry, folk tales, and historical narrative. Witnessing various urban, rural, natural, and cultural landscapes in Guilin/Yangshuo (in the southeast region) and Kunming/Dali (in the southwest region) offers diverse perspectives on China with special attention paid to minority culture. Students of all majors are strongly encouraged to enroll. Students enrolling in ASIA/CHIN 237 are required to also enroll in ASIA/CHIN 238 and participate in the December trip to China. Cross Listing: ASIA 237; Offered alternate years during fall term (with December travel component); W. Du
CHIN 238 South China Trip Project (1/2)
This course is only open to students who completed the December group travel to China after completing the fall term course "Art/Culture/Landscape of South China." Enrollment in this course will allow those students to complete and present their individual final projects based on experiences in China, and thus also receive credit for the travel component. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 237; Cross Listing: ASIA 238; Offered alternate years during winter term; W. Du
CHIN 311 Chinese Language and Culture in Film I
An advanced level of Mandarin Chinese language study, delivered through a close examination of language used in Chinese TV and film. Students will use authentic media to expand vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, and common expressions, as well as improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Most lessons will contain a cultural element to accompany the language skills being developed. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 203 or permission of the instructor; W. Du
CHIN 312 Chinese Language and Culture in Film II
An advanced level of Mandarin Chinese language study, delivered through a close examination of language used in Chinese TV and film. Students will use authentic media to expand vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, and common expressions, as well as improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Most lessons will contain a cultural element to accompany the language skills being developed. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 203 or permission of the instructor; W. Du
CHIN 313 Chinese Language and Culture in Film III
An advanced level of Mandarin Chinese language study, delivered through a close examination of language used in Chinese TV and film. Students will use authentic media to expand vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, and common expressions, as well as improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Most lessons will contain a cultural element to accompany the language skills being developed. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 203 or permission of the instructor; W. Du
CHIN 320 Orientalism, Occidentalism, and Chinese Culture
A theoretical survey of historical and contemporary relations between the Western world and the East, specifically China. Interdisciplinary in approach, this class investigates cultural interactions and classic Asian Studies theory through comparative analysis of diverse media, including: short stories, film, non-fiction, pop culture, and art forms. Topics such as colonialism, diaspora, appropriation of the Other, and trans-nationalism are also part of our focus. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; at least one course in Asian Studies recommended, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ASIA 320; Offered occasionally; W. Du
CHIN 321 Women and Modern Chinese Literature
See description of ASIA 221. Additional research component and consent of the Instructor required for CHIN 321. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and at least one literature course or 200-level ASIA course with a C- or better; Cross Listing: ASIA 321;GWST 322;GWST 322; IC; PI; Offered annually, typically winter; W. Du