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A Note for Student Directors


Office of Admissions

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Galesburg, IL 61401




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A Note for Student Directors

If you wish to present an acting audition, you are welcome to do so. Additionally, please include a resume indicating the play(s) that you have directed and any production(s) on which you were the assistant director.  Feel free to include any other production experiences you have had anywhere.

  • Choose a play you have directed (or one that you love) and write a two-page essay on how you approached or would approach the production. The following prompts are to assist you, but need not be the only approach you take, nor do all of them need to be included.
  • If you chose the play, what about the play drew you to it?  Discuss the themes that you sought to illuminate and how you used staging and coached the actors to achieve your interpretations.
  • If you directed a designed production with technical support, discuss the ways in which you sought to inspire the designers and strove to create a unified production.
  • If you are imagining directing a production, what design element might best carry out your approach and vision?  How could you convey to a designer the qualities of your ideas without dictating the design?
  • What challenges did you overcome or do you anticipate will present themselves?
  • What did/would you hope the audience might walk away from your production thinking or feeling? Might they have been changed in some way?
  • If you directed the play, how did the experience transform you as an artist?  If you are imagining the play, how do you envision the play affecting you?
  • How did you handle or do you think about handling your role as a leader?

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Printed on Sunday, September 29, 2024