Fall 2014 -- Volume 98, Issue 2
Read the entire issue with a digital reader.
Letters: Read the President's Message, Editor's Note, and letters to the editor.
Beyond Blackboards: Teaching Well, with technology: Dean of the College Laura Behling discusses technology's evolving role in the academic program and how, at its heart it allows professors to do what they're always done best -- engage with their students.
Educational Tech at Knox: Old as Dirt, New as Digital: Learn more about the evolution of technology in the classroom at Knox, from theolodites to computers to Mathematica.
How Do You Flip a Classroom, Anyway? Explore three examples of flipped classrooms at Knox and learn how rethinking the way we engage with students benefits both students and professors.
I Am Knox: Eve Martinez '15 talks about her experiences at Knox and how they have helped her make the decision to take on graduate studies.
Flashback: Seeger Sings for Sandburg
Stay Connected: Catch up with your classmates and friends and read profiles of Knox alumni.