Unlike the characters in the ever-popular John Hughes movie Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, who were thrown together against their will on a cross-country journey, Knox international students Anjuli Walter '16 and Riho Orito '15 chose to travel cross country together during Knox's six-week winter break.
Walter and Orito journeyed almost 5,000 miles by plane, train, bus, and car, touring two countries and 14 states.
Walter, who is from Germany, and Orito, who is from Japan, became fast friends at Knox during fall term and decided to use the break to learn a bit more about their host country, touring historic sites, visiting museums, and meeting people. The two plotted out a 29-day itinerary that started in Chicago, and continued to Toronto, Niagara Falls, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Mount Rushmore, and Yellowstone National Park.
Find out if their adventure was all they hoped it would be in their blog, An American Odyssey.
high tunnels on campus
where students grow vegetables for the Knox community.