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Film Club


Arianna Tull '21



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If you are interested not only in watching movies but also in learning how to create them, attend a meeting of the Film Club at Knox. With the club, you can explore your abilities in many fields of the film industry, such as:

  • writing
  • directing
  • producing
  • acting
  • film editing
  • budgeting

The club and its endeavors are entirely student run, in everything from makeup and costume design for actors to set design, cinematography, and sound engineers.

The club provides top-of-the-line professional equipment for student use including:

  • a camera (Canon XL1s)
  • a new Macintosh with professional editing software (Final Cut Pro)
  • costume rental
  • AV equipment, or funding to buy new equipment

Students can also work with the journalism department and local production companies for broadcast internships.

The club produces a DVD of finished films and hosts a showing of them at the end of each school year, giving students the chance to host their own premieres of their recently finished movies. The club also pays the entry fee for submissions made with its equipment to the Black Earth Film Festival in Galesburg in the fall.

If you want to learn the inner workings of the film industry and make your own professional productions, consider joining - new members are always welcome.

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Printed on Sunday, September 29, 2024