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Pagan Club


Lili Smith '24



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Constantly debunking stereotypical images of Paganism, the Pagan Club is a group that offers a chance for students to explore or learn more about a religion that is commonly misunderstood.


  • Increasing and encouraging awareness of Paganism
  • Hosting events to deepen campus-wide understanding of Paganism
  • Continuously learning more about the religion
  • Celebrating Pagan holidays, including Sabbats and Esbats
  • Creating a safe space on campus for those who identify as Pagan

Past events

  • Organic candle-dipping workshops
  • Environmentally friendly incense-making workshops
  • Tarot card readings at school festivals
  • Divination workshops
  • Samhain celebrations (a holiday that begins the Celtic New Year and a holiday for honoring ancestors)
  • Leann McWhorter, an energy healer, was brought to campus by PSA for other students to experience Pagan rituals

The Pagan Club wants to create a dialogue on campus to inform students about what Paganism is and also what Paganism is not. Questions, curiosity, and uncertainty are all feelings throughout campus that Pagan Club would like to address.

The group also intends to integrate Pagan culture into other cultural events at Knox, such as last year's Halloween festival where Pagan Club celebrated a Pagan holiday. The Pagan Club meets weekly and all are welcome.

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Printed on Sunday, September 29, 2024