Test: 5

Knox Magazine

Spring 2018


CS 295R: Interactive Design

Interactive Design is an experiment in collaborative teaching that brings together design, technology, and storytelling for a truly integrated liberal arts experience.

By Ethan Crow


Test: 5

Knox Magazine

Spring 2018


Tellin' It Like It Is: A.B.L.E. at 50

In celebrating and chronicling the 50th anniversary of A.B.L.E. (Allied Blacks for Liberty and Equality), Knox Magazine interviewed A.B.L.E. alumni and students from various generations of this integral campus organization.

By Peter Bailley '74


Test: 5

Knox Magazine

Spring 2018


6 Ways of Looking at a Star

Star Donors are the largely unacknowledged heroes of Knox College. It's time to give them their due.

By Pam Chozen


Test: 5

Knox Magazine

Spring 2018


Yes, College is Worth It: Busting Myths about Higher Education

Knox Magazine set out to take on a few of the headlines—or bust a few of the common myths—about higher education to help us all understand better why a college degree is still worthy of pursuit.

By Megan Scott '96


Test: 5

Knox Magazine

Spring 2018


Expanding Options for Science Students

Knox students will now have the opportunity to pursue a bachelor of science degree in eight fields of study, and a renovation of the Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center is on the horizon.

By Megan Scott '96
