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Dean's List Fall Term 2012 - by ZIP Code

Knox College has released the Dean's List of distinguished students for the Fall Term 2012. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must have earned at least 2.5 credits in the term, with a grade point average of 3.6 or better (on a 4.0 scale).


  • Class: Year in school abbreviations are FR=First Year; SO=Sophomore; JR=Junior; SR=Senior, as of the end of Fall Term.
  • Major: Double majors are indicated where declared. Students generally declare majors at the start of the junior year; almost all first-year students and most sophomores are listed as "Undecided."
  • Students from outside the U.S. are listed at the end of the page.
State/ZIP code Name City Major Class
85013 Aleksandra Elizabeth Schriber Phoenix Undecided JR
85020 Rozina Kidari Phoenix Creative Writing, Integrated International Studies SR
85035 Alejandro Varela Phoenix Educational Studies SR
85260 Miranda Beatrix Loeber Scottsdale Theatre SR
85340 Sophia Elizabeth Utpadel Litchfield Park Undecided FR
85750 Andrew Leslie Whitehill Tucson Undecided SO
90024 Samuel Tucker Waldner Los Angeles Undecided SO
91356 Kate Louise Mishkin Tarzana Undecided FR
92591 Jovan Edward Krkljus Temecula Undecided SO
92868 Eve Yaret Martinez Orange Undecided SO
93063 Tawni Lee Sasaki Simi Valley Undecided FR
93730 Amanda Chen Fresno Undecided SO
94010 Marie Chiara Vicedo Macario Burlingame Creative Writing SO
94122 Kyle Raymond Walenga San Francisco Environmental Studies, Spanish SR
94134 Donald Nzoutchoum Tchopya San Francisco French SR
94303 Franzesca Mary Mayer Palo Alto Theatre SR
94502 Elizabeth Kimiko Hane Alameda Studio Art SR
95008 Richard Andrew Barbieri Campbell Creative Writing SR
80016 Emily Alice Lobenstein Centennial History JR
80027 Nicolette Marie Laird Louisville Undecided SO
80027 Carly Madison Taylor Superior Undecided FR
80112 Payton Mayer Rose Centennial Undecided JR
80210 Alanna Marie Toomey Denver Undecided FR
80301 Kiannah Brielle Sepeda-Miller Boulder Undecided FR
80401 Nicholas Samuel Moran Golden Neuroscience SR
80401 Laura Marie Myers Golden Creative Writing SO
80831 Audrey Danielle Alltop Peyton Music, Educational Studies GR
80904 Andrew Christopher Purvis Colorado Springs Theatre SO
80921 Julie Claire Wertheimer Colorado Springs Undecided SO
81101 Christina Loree Colman Alamosa Anthropology & Sociology, German SR
81157 Forrest Henry Rackham Pagosa Springs Environmental Studies SR
06437 Caleb Shao-Ning Fridell Guilford Undecided SO
06877 Margretta Elaine Reed Ridgefield Environmental Studies SR
32934 Kyle Johntz Connor Melbourne Undecided FR
33015 Angel Fransico Zuaznabal, Jr. Hialeah Undecided SO
34120 Michael Ryan Pinter Naples Psychology SR
30045 Corey Anthony Tatz Lawrenceville Undecided FR
60004 Samuel Wesley Hart Arlington Heights Undecided SO
60004 Anna Karwowska Arlington Heights English Literature, Educational Studies SO
60005 Florina Corpodean Arlington Heights Undecided SO
60007 Matthew Lange Gordon Elk Grove Village Undecided SO
60010 Shelly S. Bhanot Barrington Hills Chemistry JR
60012 Emily Marie Diklich Crystal Lake Educational Studies, Mathematics SR
60013 Joshua Robert Brownell Cary Biology SR
60014 Jeremy Michael Ransom Crystal Lake Educational Studies JR
60016 Caitlin Ann Rochau Des Plaines Undecided FR
60025 Ella Margaret Petersen Glenview Undecided SO
60025 Michael Laurence Schroeder Glenview Chemistry SR
60030 Jackson Russell White Grayslake Educational Studies, Political Science SR
60031 Maxwell M. Gatyas Gurnee Philosophy JR
60035 Ron Efraim Schrag Highland Park Educational Studies SR
60044 Honor Genevieve Beeler Lake Bluff Studio Art, Educational Studies JR
60044 Elizabeth Therese Lerum Lake Bluff Anthropology & Sociology SR
60045 Marc Anthony Spehlmann Lake Forest Undecided JR
60047 Chloe Elyse Salk Kildeer Undecided SO
60048 Emma Kathleen Robillard Libertyville Educational Studies SO
60053 Stephanie Anna Marie Peter Morton Grove Educational Studies, English Literature SR
60056 GraceAnne Elizabeth Roach Mount Prospect Educational Studies, History JR
60060 Moira Rose Byrne Mundelein History SR
60060 Jessica Couvillier Mundelein Undecided SO
60062 Joshua Asher Fishman Northbrook History JR
60062 Roman Magid Northbrook Undecided SO
60062 Jodi Denise Marver Northbrook Undecided SO
60067 Katlin Irene Ohlrich Palatine History SR
60067 Connor Robert Schmidt Palatine Creative Writing JR
60068 Emma Mary Lewis Frey Park Ridge Undecided SO
60068 David Martin Petersen Park Ridge Undecided SO
60068 Philip John Tallman Park Ridge Anthropology & Sociology SR
60068 Brittany Marie Wisniewski Park Ridge Environmental Studies SR
60074 Elizabeth Danielle Tucker Palatine Undecided JR
60087 Marisol Gonzalez Castillo Beach Park Undecided SO
60091 Daniel Hong Wilmette Undecided FR
60107 Cassie Lynn McLaughlin Streamwood Undecided SO
60108 Christopher Ryan Frane Bloomingdale Biochemistry SR
60115 Benjamin Tyler King DeKalb Undecided SO
60115 Emily Edythe Lucek DeKalb Computer Science JR
60118 Emily Ann Powers West Dundee Undecided FR
60130 David Christopher Wawzenek Forest Park Educational Studies SR
60133 Kelli Rae Huebner Hanover Park Neuroscience SR
60134 Thomas John Hintz Geneva Undecided FR
60137 Dustin Archibald Loch Glen Ellyn Undecided SO
60142 Kathleen Chalas Huntley Computer Science SR
60148 Lena Sophie Elisabeth Brandis Lombard Educational Studies, French SR
60156 Aimee Elizabeth Neilan Lake In The Hills Educational Studies, Spanish SR
60177 Savannah Leigh Underwood South Elgin Undecided FR
60184 Jennifer Nicole Keilhack Wayne Undecided SO
60189 Andrew Michael Marr Wheaton Undecided SO
60189 Casey Naguit Mendoza Wheaton Undecided SO
60193 Mary Beth Macleod Schaumburg Spanish SO
60194 Natalie Frances Baldino Schaumburg Undecided SO
60201 Glyniss Racine Boney Evanston Educational Studies SR
60201 Cody William Sehl Evanston Undecided SO
60202 Hadley Marie Gephart Evanston Undecided SO
60202 Cialy Mydel Santos Evanston Political Science JR
60302 Ellen Marie Lipo Oak Park Undecided FR
60304 John Henry Bergholz Oak Park Creative Writing, Anthropology & Sociology SR
60304 Hannah Belle Bloyd-Peshkin Oak Park Educational Studies JR
60304 Teagan Wenger Yaussy Oak Park Undecided FR
60430 Jim M. Thomas Homewood Undecided JR
60442 Kailee Eileen Gawlik Manhattan Music, German SR
60449 Adam Samuel Worden Monee Economics JR
60451 Ariyana Danielle Smith New Lenox Undecided FR
60451 Kasandara Sorina Sullivan New Lenox Physics SR
60453 Mary Kathryn Murray Oak Lawn Creative Writing JR
60464 Erik Joseph Gustafson Palos Park Undecided SO
60467 Yazin Khaled Akkawi Orland Park Economics SR
60471 Megan Allison Lee Richton Park Educational Studies SR
60473 Brandon Avery Paraharm South Holland Educational Studies GR
60477 John Salvatore Cusimano Tinley Park Music, Biochemistry SR
60477 Erin Michelle Majewski Tinley Park Educational Studies, History SR
60481 Cort Townsend Scheel Wilmington Biology JR
60510 Charles J. Foster, Jr. Batavia Economics SR
60510 Autumn Rose McGarr Batavia Creative Writing SR
60510 Blair Baumann Peters Batavia Creative Writing SR
60513 Bridget Grace Dooley Brookfield Educational Studies SR
60515 Carli Anna Bogolub Downers Grove Psychology JR
60515 Jenna Nicole Butler Downers Grove Educational Studies, Chemistry JR
60515 Kyle Meinke Kunkler Downers Grove Undecided JR
60516 Dana Olivia Robinson Downers Grove Biology, Environmental Studies SR
60516 Alexander Uzarowicz Downers Grove Political Science SR
60527 Charles Leonard Gorney Burr Ridge Economics, Political Science SR
60540 Timothy Nicholas Berner Naperville Undecided FR
60543 Coltan Gable Parker Oswego Undecided FR
60543 Michelle Rae Weber Oswego Undecided SO
60546 Victoria Agnieszka Klimaj North Riverside Creative Writing, Self-Designed Major SR
60554 Ryan Mathew Hoffman Sugar Grove Chemistry SR
60555 Elizabeth Ashley Henk Warrenville Undecided SO
60558 Amanda Mary Goslawski Western Springs Neuroscience SR
60558 Max Robert Potthoff Western Springs Environmental Studies SR
60559 Emily Rose Mooney Westmont Undecided FR
60564 Brynne Gabrielle Downum Naperville Psychology, Philosophy SR
60564 Rachel Elizabeth Janis Naperville Undecided FR
60564 Olivia Rose Williams Naperville Biology SR
60565 Allyse Laurene Lohman Naperville Undecided SO
60565 Matthew Stephen Timmerberg Naperville History, Educational Studies JR
60608 Alma Leticia Jimenez Chicago Undecided SO
60610 Xenophon Karl Coufal Chicago Undecided SO
60616 Lilliana Saenz Chicago Educational Studies SR
60622 Gavin Andrew Crowell Chicago Undecided SO
60625 Sydney Alexandra Pacione Chicago Undecided FR
60626 Colin Coutts Chicago Studio Art, Art History JR
60631 Bridget Anne Golembiewski Chicago Undecided JR
60634 Rebecca J. Duffy Chicago Undecided SO
60639 Iliana Cristaline Molina Chicago Educational Studies JR
60639 Araceli Salgado Chicago Undecided SO
60639 Marcella Vicens Chicago Educational Studies, English Literature SR
60640 Abesh Ahmed Aziz Chicago International Relations SR
60641 Cristian Andres Gorostieta Chicago Undecided SO
60646 Alessandra Catherine Anez Power Chicago Undecided FR
60656 Jade Elise Ivy Chicago Asian Studies, Creative Writing JR
60659 Shannon Marie Henry Chicago Undecided SO
60706 Maria Athanasia Anastos Norridge Undecided FR
60712 Laura Irene Umland Lincolnwood English Literature, Gender & Women's Studies SR
60714 Michael Robert Carr Niles Chemistry, Educational Studies SR
60714 Christopher John McNichols Niles Anthropology & Sociology JR
60901 Marta Keeley Gulyash Kankakee Music, History SR
60901 Emily Elizabeth Themer Kankakee Educational Studies JR
60914 Benjamin Andrew Moss Bourbonnais Economics JR
60929 Timothy Joseph O'Neal Cullom Neuroscience, Biochemistry JR
61054 Jessica LeeAnn Weller Mount Morris Anthropology & Sociology SR
61081 Jeremy Robert Edison Sterling Mathematics JR
61081 Lauren Jean Styczynski Sterling Creative Writing, French SR
61107 Abagail Lynn Kobler Rockford Educational Studies, English Literature GR
61114 Yibin Zhang Rockford Undecided SO
61283 Bethany Anne Dean Tampico Psychology SO
61350 Emiley Elizabeth Brand Ottawa Biology, Environmental Studies JR
61350 Gabriella Grace Crivilare Ottawa Undecided FR
61401 Randi Lynn Cecil Galesburg Undecided SO
61401 Kelly JoAnne Fleming Galesburg Educational Studies SR
61401 Reginald Ray Gibson Galesburg Undecided JR
61401 Chanda Danielle Harrell Galesburg Economics SO
61401 Katharine Ruth Haslem Galesburg Psychology SR
61401 Emily Marie Hastings Galesburg Undecided SO
61401 Jeri Danielle Murphy Galesburg Classics, English Literature SR
61401 Kelly Marie Ricketts Galesburg Educational Studies, English Literature GR
61401 Caleb Pierce Thompson Galesburg Anthropology & Sociology JR
61448 Kaitlin Elizabeth Hutchcroft Knoxville Educational Studies, Spanish SO
61448 Matthew Phillip Skinner Knoxville Undecided SO
61455 Amanda Jane Axley Macomb Music, English Literature SR
61455 Harrison Kojiro Graham Macomb Music SR
61520 Weston Paul Chenoweth Canton Economics JR
61520 Kaylah Jean Murphy Canton Educational Studies SR
61525 Savannah Ann Trent Dunlap Undecided SO
61536 Hannah Marie Schierl Hanna City Undecided SO
61569 Teagan Elizabeth Eastman Trivoli Educational Studies, History JR
61611 James Gerald Fenner East Peoria Economics JR
61615 Rachael Kathleen Morrissey Peoria Undecided FR
61616 Ellynn Joann Rolett Peoria Heights Undecided FR
61616 Paula Jean Woo Peoria Heights Philosophy SR
61701 Erin Kathryn Smith Bloomington Educational Studies, Music SO
61704 Stephen Patrick Spence Bloomington International Relations SR
61745 Claire Mae Allen Heyworth Undecided FR
61761 Kevin Lee Helenthal Normal Biology SR
61761 Martin Daniel Salazar Normal Undecided FR
61761 Brian Seiji Tanaka Normal Undecided SO
61801 Sophia Irene Spooner Urbana Undecided FR
61821 Celinda Kimberly Davis Champaign History SO
61859 Nathan Friedrich Sanden Johlas Ogden Mathematics, Theatre SR
61866 Emily Grace Passarelli Rantoul Undecided SO
62025 Sophie Marie Townsend Edwardsville Educational Studies, Physics SR
62215 Austen James Lake Albers Undecided SO
62258 Michael B. Graf Mascoutah Undecided SO
62269 Allister Kelly Byrd O'Fallon International Relations SR
62305 Andrew Robert Paul Quincy Undecided JR
62650 Piper Alexandra Renard Jones Jacksonville Classics SR
62650 Ryan Milo Paulus Jacksonville Anthropology & Sociology JR
62656 Cale Thomas Dahm Lincoln Educational Studies, Social Science Education GR
62675 Jordan Alexandria Durrett Petersburg Environmental Studies SR
62711 Derinn Ann Wallace Springfield Undecided SO
62901 Allison Keely White Carbondale English Literature SR
62902 Sienna Rae Cittadino Carbondale History SR
46220 Natalie Ann Donahue Indianapolis Undecided FR
47408 Samantha Michelle Paul Bloomington Creative Writing, Spanish JR
50265 Anna Katherine Kraemer West Des Moines Neuroscience JR
51546 Emily Catherine Nield Logan Creative Writing JR
52314 Nicholas John Liberko Mount Vernon Undecided FR
52314 Matthew Ray Lichty Mount Vernon Undecided JR
52314 Benjamin David Wasil Lyon Mount Vernon Undecided SO
52314 Margaret St.Clair Mount Vernon Undecided FR
52556 Bethany Jean Larson Fairfield Undecided SO
52556 Ariana Lisefski Fairfield Creative Writing JR
52722 Scott William Suiter Bettendorf Undecided SO
52803 Rebecca Jean Hixon Davenport Undecided FR
66062 Erin Gail Daugherty Olathe Creative Writing, Spanish SR
66212 Bianca Michelle Vento Overland Park Educational Studies, History SR
66215 Christopher James Holland Lenexa Psychology SR
66220 Holden Ryan Meier Lenexa Undecided FR
66606 Martina Pezzino Topeka Music, Educational Studies JR
40503 Avery Leighton Wigglesworth Lexington Theatre SR
40513 Tessa Maria Cavagnero Lexington Classics SR
04047 Noah Enoch Gleason-Hart Parsonsfield Undecided JR
20737 Christian Alexis Lewis Riverdale Educational Studies GR
21401 Evan Charles Lewitus Annapolis Self-Designed Major, Anthropology & Sociology SR
21403 Randi Mae Sterenberg Annapolis Neuroscience SR
01862 Hatim Mustafa Mustaly North Billerica Neuroscience SR
01960 Nora C. McGinn Peabody Environmental Studies JR
02138 Sophia Dunn Croll Cambridge Undecided SO
02138 Selyna Freyja Leon Guerrero Cambridge Chemistry JR
48104 Nicole Andrea Holtzman Ann Arbor English Literature JR
48301 Caitlin Marie Hemby Bloomfield Hills Undecided FR
49012 Victoria Laura Baldwin Augusta Undecided FR
49418 Nicole Elizabeth Acton Grandville Undecided FR
49684 Kelly Lynn Clare Traverse City Creative Writing FR
49938 Bruce Halolye Kovanen Ironwood Psychology JR
55001 Catherine Ann Cohen Afton Spanish, Educational Studies GR
55025 Rebecca Jo Harwell Forest Lake Undecided FR
55057 Carly Lindamood Oto Northfield Educational Studies SR
55104 Stephanie Renae Fore Saint Paul Anthropology & Sociology SR
55120 Daniel Sheldon Zekowski Mendota Heights International Relations JR
55305 John Francis Foster-Bolton Minnetonka Undecided SO
55345 Laura Morgan Crossley Minnetonka History SR
55345 Moira Alison Lenox Minnetonka History SR
55359 Erik Hanson Stephenson Independence Undecided SO
55391 Dalton Richard Glover Wayzata Undecided SO
55410 Luke Norman Albrecht Minneapolis International Relations JR
55410 Elizabeth O'Neill Kenison Minneapolis Undecided JR
55410 Grace Evelyn Theisen Minneapolis Educational Studies JR
55906 Ariella Rachel Bailey Rochester English Literature JR
55987 Emily Marie Antoff Winona Undecided SO
56345 Kristen Alice Marvin Little Falls Undecided SO
63031 Adrienne Rosemarie Ernst Florissant Undecided SO
63033 Megan Elizabeth Beney Florissant Anthropology & Sociology, Music SR
63033 Emily Taylor Finke Florissant Undecided SO
63043 Kelsey Leigh Roberg Witzling Maryland Heights Self-Designed Major JR
63105 Chelsea Elisabeth Embree Clayton Creative Writing SR
63105 Carmen Ribaudo Clayton Undecided FR
63114 Tina Eileen Shuey Saint John Educational Studies, Social Science Education SR
63119 Charles Sheridan Harned Webster Groves Undecided SO
63119 Holly Marie Sumner Webster Groves Undecided SO
63122 Allison Rose Fry Saint Louis Gender & Women's Studies, Creative Writing SO
63130 Carolyn Ann Stephen Saint Louis Environmental Studies SR
63135 Laura Catherine Knight Saint Louis Educational Studies JR
63147 Jesse Mitchell Saint Louis Theatre JR
63368 Will Andrew Grumke Dardenne Prairie Educational Studies SR
64014 Joshua Michael Gunter Blue Springs Art History SR
65203 Landon Joshua Hosmer-Quint Columbia Psychology SR
65203 Shaun Marie Kelly Columbia Asian Studies SR
65542 Jennifer Lynn Kaufman Licking Philosophy SR
59701 Rebecca Coughlin Gonshak Butte Undecided SO
68105 Benjamin Joseph Kammerer Omaha Music SR
68135 Anna Avery Meier Omaha International Relations, German SR
68506 Molly Leeanne Loudon Lincoln Undecided SO
68516 Lindsey Marie Morgan Lincoln Undecided FR
New Hampshire
03833 Claire Anna Garand Kensington Undecided SO
New Jersey
07079 James Rosenstein-Hopkins South Orange Anthropology & Sociology SR
08873 Saskia Vera Pellnat Somerset Creative Writing SR
New Mexico
87048 Brynn Bridget Cole Corrales History JR
87113 Ian Spencer Horne Albuquerque Undecided SO
87114 Bryan Christopher Valencia Albuquerque Undecided SO
87507 Samantha Robin Kopelman Santa Fe Undecided SO
87508 Jaco Imani Foster Santa Fe Undecided SO
87508 Jake Dylan Hawrylak Santa Fe Music SR
87544 Sophia Michelle Click Los Alamos Undecided SO
New York
10128 Mollie Hannah Phillips New York Creative Writing SR
11203 Shayna Janelle Hargraves Brooklyn Spanish SR
11215 Joy Schneider Westerman Brooklyn Undecided JR
11377 Gabrielle Marovavy Rajerison Woodside English Literature, Gender & Women's Studies JR
14411 Tabitha J. Vick Albion Educational Studies SR
North Carolina
27513 Adam Patrick Turner Cary Undecided SO
North Dakota
58102 Luke Nathaniel Madson Fargo History, Classics-Greek SR
43612 Katherine Elizabeth Miller Toledo International Relations, French SR
43612 Martha Jane Miller Toledo Undecided FR
44833 Joshua Richard Tatro Galion Anthropology & Sociology SR
74075 Abraham James Eastman Stillwater Psychology SR
97068 Miranda Eve James West Linn Undecided FR
97101 Mary Elizabeth DiPrete Amity Undecided JR
97212 Rosalie Griffin Fordham Portland Creative Writing, Asian Studies SR
97212 Molly M. Olson Portland Studio Art JR
97213 Noah Devros Portland Undecided SO
97218 James Leo Lichtenstein Portland Biology SR
97229 Hollie Marie Dyer Portland Undecided FR
97477 Rhiannon Laure Neuville-Norton Springfield Studio Art JR
South Dakota
57069 Nicholas Riley Britten Vermillion Undecided FR
37803 Douglas William Hulsether Maryville Undecided FR
77584 Emma Lynne Steiner Pearland Undecided FR
78613 Stephanie Catherine Hawes Cedar Park Undecided SO
84065 Mary Katharine James Riverton Undecided FR
84321 Danica Madison Lewis Logan Biology SR
22101 Minah Ali Rathore Mc Lean International Relations SR
24401 Victor O'Connell Schultz Staunton Undecided SO
98014 Elizabeth Theona Ish Carnation Undecided SO
98034 Serafine Lindy George Kirkland Undecided SO
98070 Jessica Robyn Ohmert Vashon Psychology JR
98102 Emma Katrina Lorenzen Seattle Physics, Chemistry SR
98110 Izak J. Ferris McGieson Bainbridge Island Undecided FR
98116 Kirsten Emily Bystrom Seattle Educational Studies SR
98335 Camille Jean Brown Gig Harbor English Literature JR
98502 Brynn Elise Ogilvie Olympia Educational Studies GR
98660 Alison Hardie Gaines Vancouver Music, Creative Writing SR
53005 Amelia Goranson Brookfield Psychology JR
53118 Jordyn Rose Stewart Dousman Theatre SR
53183 Oakton Anthony Reynolds Wales Theatre SO
53210 Lauren Yvette Harris Milwaukee Computer Science JR
53211 Joseph A. Knutson Shorewood Psychology JR
53562 Eva Stoffel Marley Middleton Anthropology & Sociology SR
53575 Katrina Therese Rudolph Oregon Theatre, Creative Writing JR
53705 Tyler Rose Oakey Madison History SR
53711 Areanna Marie Egleston Madison Creative Writing, Spanish SR
53711 Maya Elizabeth Webne-Behrman Madison Undecided FR
53713 Simon Marc Schatzberg Madison Undecided JR
53715 Miracle MingLu Wang Madison Undecided SO
54234 Hannah Marie Mickelson Sister Bay Educational Studies JR
54601 Morgan Leigh Barton La Crosse Undecided FR
Outside the United States
Country Name Hometown Major Class
Louise Goncalves Paris Vitoria, ES  Undecided SR
Kyle Juliene Matocinos Cruz Phnom-Penh Integrated International Studies SR
Dominican Republic
Gayoung Moon Santo Domingo Economics SO
Jose-Ismael Dioba Besancon  Undecided FR
Nadja Khademi Oldenburg  Undecided FR
Sarah Elisabeth Wagner Hamburg  Undecided FR
Anjuli Walter Bad Bramstedt  Undecided FR
Daniel Azumah Cofie Accra Undecided JR
Hong Kong
Jonathan Chong Ng Hong Kong Economics SO
Tanvi Madhusudanan Chennai, Tamil Nadu  Psychology, International Relations SR
Mina Kemmisaki Tokyo  Undecided SO
Sakiko Nomura Kariya-shi, Aichi  Undecided FR
Shimon Watanabe Fukui-shi, Fukui  Anthropology & Sociology SR
Rana Ayoub Javaid Tahir Salmiya  Political Science, Creative Writing SR
Amanda Ai Min Shiew Petaling Jaya,  English Literature JR
Tanika Pradhan Tilganga, Kathmandu Undecided FR
Avinab Rajbhandary Kathmandu Computer Science SR
Abdulsalam Moyosore Oganla Lagos Undecided FR
Oluwagbemiga Abiodun Ojo Lokoja, Kogi Undecided SO
People's Republic of China
Cheng Cheng Chengdu, Sichuan  Chemistry, Biology SR
Qijiao Fan Xi'an, Shaanxi  Economics SR
Huaqing Gao Jinan, Shandong  Undecided FR
Tingting Huang Xi'an, Shaanxi  Chemistry JR
Rachel Wai-Chung Lee Hong Kong Physics SR
Yun Lin Shanghai  Undecided JR
Meiya Ren Beijing  Undecided JR
Su Yan Beijing  Undecided SO
Weiyi Yu Qingdao, Shandong  Financial Mathematics, Economics JR
Yue Zheng Fuzhou, Fijian  Undecided FR
Viet Huong Nguyen Warsaw  Environmental Studies, Economics SR
Republic of Korea
Bo Ram Lee Seoul Economics JR
Andrei Liviu Papancea Sfantu Gheorghe  Computer Science SR
Xiameng Lin Singapore  Undecided SO
Thomas Ryan Courtright Moshi International Relations JR
Nhi Nguyen Lan Bui Ho Chi Minh City Chemistry SR
Hai Son Le Hanoi Undecided FR
Anh Quoc Phan Hanoi  Undecided SO
Giang Ngoc Huong Tran Ho Chi Minh City Undecided SO

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Knox College

Printed on Saturday, February 22, 2025