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Luther College Joins ACM

Consortium includes Knox, other selective schools in region

The Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM), a consortium of academically excellent, independent liberal arts colleges, welcomes Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, as a new member in 2009.

In making the announcement, Roger Taylor, President of Knox College and chair of the ACM Board of Directors, said, "The Board is pleased to welcome an outstanding college that, like all of the ACM member colleges, is dedicated to excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and to international education. We believe that students, faculty, and staff at all of the ACM colleges and at Luther College will benefit from our association."

The current ACM members are Beloit College, Carleton College, Coe College, Colorado College, Cornell College, Grinnell College, Knox College, Lake Forest College, Lawrence University, Macalester College, Monmouth College, Ripon College, and St. Olaf College.

Luther College is a four-year, residential liberal arts college founded in 1861 and affiliated with the Lutheran church (ELCA). The college offers a rigorous curriculum leading to the bachelor of arts degree in more than 60 majors and pre-professional programs, with the greatest number of graduates majoring in biology, education, and music. Luther's Phi Beta Kappa chapter and its academic honor societies in 14 disciplines attest the academic excellence of the college.

"Luther College is honored to accept this invitation to the prestigious consortium of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest," said Luther President Richard Torgerson. "Luther will benefit from the shared wisdom, expertise and resources of the colleges of the ACM, and Luther has much to offer the association. We are pleased to be part of this working group of many of the nation's best liberal arts institutions."

Luther joins the ACM as the consortium celebrates its 50th anniversary. ACM has been a leader since the early 1960s in providing off-campus study programs around the world for undergraduates.

Today, ACM administers programs in Botswana, Costa Rica, India, Italy, Tanzania, the U.K., and the U.S., and is establishing a program in Brazil. The consortium also has a long tradition of collaboration among its member institutions in areas such as faculty development, information sharing, and innovation in teaching and learning.

"The ACM community, especially its faculty and campus leadership, already has strong ties with Luther College," said ACM President Christopher Welna. "We look forward to deepening those connections as Luther becomes a partner in ACM's programs and activities."

One of the oldest academic consortia in the U.S., the ACM comprises member institutions that are among the most successful liberal arts colleges in the country. ACM colleges are known for their collaboration and for their highly regarded teaching faculty, small classes, interdisciplinary curricula, and opportunities for research by undergraduates. All are residential colleges, featuring high levels of student engagement, both on campus and in the wider community.

The ACM member institutions are located in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Colorado.

Founded in 1837, Knox is a national liberal arts college in Galesburg, Illinois, with students from 48 states and 42 nations. Knox's "Old Main" is a National Historic Landmark and the only building remaining from the 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates.

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Knox College

Printed on Saturday, February 22, 2025